Saturday, November 07, 2009

Too many subjects for a title

1. We bought a new car. It's my 3rd Saturn. The first two ended badly. The first one (white 1992) got into a HUGE fight with a bull and lost. The second one (blue, 2002) met its demise by hitting a car that ran a red light. The new one is a white 2002. My dad thinks I need to be careful next Friday (the 13th) as we drive to his house...hahaha.Anyway, we're happy with it and hopefully I won't wreck it any time soon. Or ever.

2. We dressed up for Halloween. We did indeed dress up like the Doctor and Rose Tyler.
I had to wear a blonde wig though, and it made my head look gigantic because of all the extra hair I had hiding underneath it. Jose was the ninth
Doctor 2.0 because we couldn't find
a jacket just like the one he wore on the show and also because Jose didn't want to shave his goatee. Whatever.

3. My Spanish husband has discovered, and wholly embraced, one of the most American traditions that I can think of: the garage sale.
Last night we made a garage sale map and this morning we got up at 6 am and drove all over Austin. We went to around 13 garage sales. (!!!) We didn't just go to the ones on the map, if we saw a sign for a garage sale, we had to stop at it.

4. Yesterday I went to Target and noticed that they have already decorated their entrances with Christmas decorations. The funny thing is that they put big snowflakes on the windows. However, it's in the high 70s here and not going to snow any time soon.

5. My neighbor's yard smells like a horse crap. Her landscapers put "natural fertilizer" down, if you know what I mean. Oh man, does it stink.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog from dooce's site. Thanks for following me there!

And cool that you are in Austin. We are originally from SA but have family in S. Austin off of Wm. Cannon.

And even cooler about Spain! We are living in Japan right now but Spain was a favorite place that my husband has been.